Customer Success Story ASFO (Italien)

REITEC develops test planning software on tablet device for ASFO

The task

For several years, the company ASFO has been using the drawing-based tool Reitec.Testplan for Inventor made by the German company REITEC to generate its inspection plans. Reitec.Testplan allows you to easily mark all check dimensions and properties that are important for quality assurance directly in the Inventor drawing view and to export them with a mouse click. However, this was not enough for the ASFO management. The inspection plan in Reitec.Testplan, which is an Excel file, was printed for each quality inspection and the measured dimensions were registered by hand in the printed plan. After completion of the inspection, the actual dimensions were entered in the Excel file and stored in the PDM system. Because this work was very time-consuming and prone to errors, the company thought about implementing a completely electronic process, which would also improve the interconnection between the drawing and the inspection plan.

The Idea

They developed the idea of a tablet application to represent the drawing and the inspection plan in a well structuredmanner. It should allow the QM personnel to enter each measured value directly in the user interface. Moreover, the user should receive direct feedback on whether a dimension is within the limits or not.

The Solution

A central component of the software application is the graphical representation of the drawing with the check dimension symbols in Reitec.Testplan for Inventor. The QM personnel can select check dimensions directly in the drawing. The relevant details such as the desired dimension and the tolerance range are automatically loaded and displayed next to the drawing. The actual dimension is also registered there. After entering the dimension, the QM employee receives direct feedback on whether the dimension is within the tolerance range. The software saves the entered data directly in the Excel inspection plan file. If required, the user can display and edit the data in the tablet application.

The Benefits

  • Completely paperless process avoiding media discontinuity
  • Easy manipulation with the drawing as an element of navigation
  • Direct display of the associated check dimension data such as the desired dimension and the tolerance range
  • Support of additional inspection features such as tolerances of shape and position and surface finish specifications
  • Immediate evaluation of the entered actual dimension
  • Time saving
  • Flexible place of use through the use of a mobile device

About ASFO

The company ASFO was founded in 1961 in the small town of Chiuppano in the north of the Italian province Vicenza. The main business of ASFO is the forging of rolled rings up to a diameter of seven meters and a weight of up to 15 tons. These rings are used in gears and bearings, in particular in energy generation and in the oil and gas industry. ASFO belongs to the FOMAS Group which has more than 1,300 employees and an annual turnover of 250 million Euros.

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